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Baynards Primary School

  • Tucasi

School Meals

The school has its own kitchen and the food is prepared on site. We source our own produce from local suppliers and set our own three week menus in compliance with nutritional guidelines.

Every day we offer a hot meal or a jacket potato with filling and access to the salad bar. Each day there is also a dessert option or a piece of fruit.

In the Summer term we offer a packed lunch option where the children can eat outside on the picnic benches, weather permitting. This always proves to be a popular choice.

We like to make our lunch times a pleasurable experience turning our school hall into an appropriate eating room.

Children may bring a healthy sandwich lunch and a drink from home. No fizzy drinks or sweets are allowed.

Mid-morning break: We are a healthy school and therefore only allow fruit to be brought in for a snack.

You can download a copy of the latest school menu below.

