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Baynards Primary School

  • Tucasi

WOW Walk to School Challenge

Congratulations to the following children who received the January badge in recognition of at least 2 active journeys to school each week. Well done!

Ayesha, Archie, Carter, Jack, Kaja, Rex, Amelia, Hunter, Oscar, Masie, Reed, Rosalie, Ella-May, Arnold, Esmail, Kitty, Marnie, Willow, Jude, Jamie, Isabelle, Esmai, Kuba, Charlotte, Mason T, Joshua A, Henry Bird, Henry B, Calvin, Paige, Noah, Amelia, Zainab, Penelope, Bailey, Luca, Travis, Grace C, Lewis, Indie, Demi, Jenson, Grace B, Jessica, Maggie, Riley, Mason G, Felix, Josh G-W, Axel, Ronnie, Bella, Austin, Ryder, Barclay, Elsie-Mae


In January we launched the WOW Walk to School Challenge to try to reduce the number of cars outside the school at drop off and pick up. Families are encouraged to make active journeys to school at least twice a week. This could be walking, cycling, scooting or park and stride (where families park away from the school and walk the rest of the way). In return for 2 active journeys a week, the children recieve a WOW badge. The badges are designed by children and made from recycled yogurt pots.

For further information, please click the link below.
